Rocktown Rollers's Fan Box

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Derby Talk Tuesday's Practice 9/16/08


o Possible Skate Location – Thom and Janna are speaking with someone who owns a ware house we may be able to rent. The owner is willing to meet with us to talk shop. More info to follow.

o Practice this Sunday will be from 5pm to 8pm. See Thom’s email for the skate schedule.

o Sock Hop – Communicate with Brook and/or Cassie to see what is needed. Please be at the Dodger at 8pm to help set up. The party begins at 9pm; it will probably be busy by 10 or 11pm.

o Cassie and P attended Richmond’s practice with Charlottesville on Tuesday’s. They have some new drills for us to review with interesting info. Thom allotted time in the training schedules for both Sunday and Tuesday for us to work on the drills. Can’t wait!

o Fresh Meat Program– Brook is the recruitment director. We are not actively recruiting at this time but if you know of someone who wants to join please bring them. The Fresh Meat process will consist of skating with the fresh meat group for 3 months. All coaches will oversee the training along with skaters’ encouragement.

· 1st month: Free to determine if they are a good fit; i.e. physically, mentally, personally, etc…
· 2nd month: Ok… They are committed to derby! Dues and USARS are required at the beginning of the month.
· 3rd month: Continue gaining skills and assessments. At the end of month 3, the skater is discussed by the TEAM to determine if they are a good fit. Specifics to follow.

o USARS are due by October 14th, the second Tuesday practice in October. $55. More information to follow.

o Monthly Meeting – because a number of people were out of town this week, we will meet early October. More information to follow.

o Committees – Don’t forget to be working on your committee. Your committee should have progress to show at next meeting. If you are not on a committee or aren’t sure what you should be working on, contact April, Thom, or any other board member for direction. We hope to have specifics released to everyone by next meeting; i.e. who is doing what, contacts, etc…
Practice was as follows:

Skates Off:
o TEAM Stretch – Announcements will be discussed during stretch and work out to save time for drills. The goal is to stretch for 5-10 minutes max, then exercises for 20-25 minutes max. The new work out may take a little longer than planned. Once everyone is on the same track, TEAM stretch and TEAM work out should be completed within 30minutes.
o TEAM Work Out – We will do this at every practice and are expecting everyone to do this at least 3 times per week. Give your body a day to rest between working out. We will slowly raise the reps as we go. NOTE: when working out, the pain will go away the more you use your muscles. If you do nothing, everything you’ve worked for.
Each set need to be done 3 times:
· Lunges – go down, hold, and turn torso left, right, left, right with arms level to chest (fists facing each other).
· Leg Lifts – Abs – left, straight, right = 1. Do that 10 times. Suck your tummy in!
· Pelvic Push – Torso – 5 seconds hold x 3 = 15 seconds.
· Crab Walk – Total Body – 5 one way, 5 the other way.
· Back stretch – Butt, Thighs, Torso – 5 each leg on back then 5 each leg on tummy.
· Push Ups – Upper Body - 10

Skates On:
· 10, 20, 30, 40 x THREE – 1st and 3rd regular, 2nd set dips

· Belt Whips – Becky was kind enough to let us borrow two belts to practice whips. Instead of using your arms, you grab the person’s belt and whip yourself around. It’s great for getting through pacts. This detours that skaters from being whipped into other players causing a huge wreck.

· Wedge Drill – Equal number of skaters in the same line with equal number of skaters in front and behind. You should always be able to touch the person in front and both sides of you. A pivot sets the pace in front (NO ONE SHOULD PASS THE PIVOT) slowing down by using the wedge method.

· Scrimmage 2 vs 2 with 1 Jammer – we will be scrimmaging each other with equal # of skaters and if necessary, one jammer. If we have enough people, we will scrimmage with a full TEAM.

· Fresh Meat – Drills with Thom – Becky, Lisa, Sarah, Chuck, and Carry worked with Thom working on basic drills and fundamentals. They are all quickly improving making the TEAM proud! Keep up the good work TEAM!
· Cool Down Skate
· TEAM Stretch

o We start as a TEAM, we finish as a TEAM.
o We stretch as a TEAM and work out as a TEAM.
o We skate as a TEAM.
o We do not leave TEAM members behind, start, or finish without them.
o We check our attitudes at the door to become a closer TEAM.
o We encourage the TEAM to push harder.

The Negotiator 8.2.0. Baby!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Derby Talk 9/14/08 Practice with Charlottesville Derby Dames

Derby Talk; Sunday Practice 9/14/08

First off, thank you to everyone who helped with the car wash; it was VERY successful!!! Other than the $$$, we were able to spread the word of derby. After a few events, I feel our Fresh Meat committee will expand with great demand.

Sunday Practice with Charlottesville Derby Dames:
We had a GREAT practice with Charlottesville Derby Dames. All the girls were very nice, unique, and supportive. The following is an overview of what we practiced:

Skates off…
· Group stretch lead by April.
Any announcements will be presented during group stretch at the beginning and end of each practice. This way we don't lose focus in the middle of practice. It's like stopping in the middle of a LARGE hill to take a break. Take a break when you get to the top! We will still have breaks, just not 15+ breaks…
· Strength exercises lead by Thom
Ooooo it hurts so good! We are going to be working on core exercises every practice to build muscle, improve balance, and to be hot hot hot! Janna and Nicole are working on a routine for everyone to complete on and off the rink. This will give Thom more time to work on fun drills. Just remember, the pain will go away!
STRETCH! STRETCH! STRETCH! Stretch in the mornings and before you go to bed. Though your muscles hurt, the pain will reside once you work them again. Become a couch potato and the pain wasn't worth it at all. You will lose anything you built. Eventually you are toning, instead of building. Don't enable yourselfe, encourage yourself!

Skates on!
· 10-20-30-40 – Because Cville was here, we did not skate 30 minute endurance. We wanted to utilize our time on drills.
· Weaving Drill – we split in two groups (Rocktown and Cville) to practice the typical weaving drill. We are finding that people still need to push themselves harder to keep up while others need to pay attention to the group speed. With that being said…
· Blocking Drill – One person blocks while the other person tries to get around. This is a one on one drill that will help improve your balance and agility.
· Slowing Down Drill – Cville introduced the best drill for keeping the pack together and being sneaky at the same time! Line up 3+ skaters in a row. Each skater should be able to touch the person behind, beside, and in front of them at all times. The pacers in the front keep the speed then randomly slowing down by using a wedge method (like skiing). You have to slow down as best as possible without using your hands, toe stops, or t-stops.

Fresh Meat…
We need to keep encouraging our fresh meat team. They are kicking ass by learning the fundamentals, rules, and the world of derby. Give props to Cary and Sara for jumping into some drills that exceeded their skate level. Way to push it girls!

Scrimmage: Colors VS Black (TEAMs mixed)…
· Each TEAM had 8 players, allowing us to sub 3 at a time. This gave us the opportunity to learn by watching and playing without killing ourselves. Everyone took some hard falls and kicked ass! Some were disappointed in their skating ability while others were impressed that they could keep up!

Closing Note…

We ALL have to remember is that we ALL are still learning. We started in February of 2008; ONLY 7 months ago!!! The surrounding teams have been with each other for a bit longer and most have sister teams to learn from. We are from scratch as others before us. You can't get any better by giving up or getting frustrated. Take your frustrations out on derby. Keep your head up and work harder to improve the skills you feel you lack. Use your team mates for encouragement and assistance to guide you. Everyone needs to improve some way or another and we can't do it alone! Don't take constructive criticism personally. You will never get any better without direction. It doesn't matter if it's coming from the coach or your fellow skater, be POSITIVE. On the flip side, if you have CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, share it.

Austa Lasagna...
The Negotiator 8.2.0 Baby!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Taping Skates and No Toe Stops!

After all the bouts I had been to never really thought about WHY everyone was putting duct tape over thier laces... well 3 weeks and 3 pair of laces later.... I know why.

Maybe everyone else figured this one out before me, but practicing fall drills over and over tear up laces hard core. I got three rolls of duct tape for my girls to have a regular practices to cover thier laces up. It helps SO MUCH.

Our floors are a little rough from sanding, but I suggest to anyone, put tape over your laces, it save the pain of re-lacing in the long run.

Also, a friend our the team that skated roller hockey suggested to me to skate WITHOUT TOE STOPS! Wow, I do NOT suggest this to Derby Girls.

I feel over all (once you get use to it) that yes my skating is better from not having them. You have to force yourself to get up and start off level footed. It is a big change. But I feel my crossovers are smoother and even with whipping, I know i dont trip over my stops (i had the large bell ones).

I suggest for Derby girls to skate with the small toe stops. They give you the extra little pushes that you need to help spritnt at times. But if you want, try it without them, you just have to learn to "cut" into the track more with your inside wheels.

Anyway, that is all for now. We are skating with C'ville this weekend for a general practice, should be a great time! Plus the car wash on the in the morning (the 13th) need to raise some funds! So if you are reading stop by and see us at Function4 Sports on Rte 33. I'll be hanging out and chatting AND filling buckets as the girls wash the cars!

Director of Training for RockTownRollers