Relaxing at home tonight, I saw on Spike TV there was a CSI: New York marathon on, and one episode was about ROLLER DERBY!
Now, within the first 2 minutes I saw some "good skating" and a lot of DONT'S of Derby.
First off, on CSI the girls were skating on a bank track, we skate flat track. For us any normal roller rink or concrete floor will work. Banked track is still very popular though.
I don't follow bank track, nor know the rules, but if you want to see the rules of banked track click below to view the Bay City Bomber's page:
The RockTownRollers, and most teams follow Women's Flat Track Derby Association rules, WFTDA for short. Click the WFTDA logo below to view our rules.
So, back to the show, here are things that we do differently then is seen on tv:
1. First off all skaters wear mouth guards: safety first!
2. NO back blocking, pushing another skater from behind.
3. NO clotheslines! we do not use any part of the arm below the elbow to block.
4. Nor do we swing arms with elbows leading to block.
5. NO FIGHTING!! It is roller derby not street fighting!
Even though roller derby looks rough, we train hard to play fair and by rules. Will a fight happen? It could, and then those players will be removed from the bout. We are serious about our sports as any other athlete is about theirs.
Roller derby has come along way since its start in th 1920's. Below is a link the Wikipedia article,
Enjoy. Come see us on the track, email us with questions!