UPDATE 2/3/09This February is a year in the making for the team. It has been a great experience and now we are ready to start bouting!
Here is a quick run down of events:
March 15thRockTownRollers vs Jaded Misfits (away in Bluefield WVa)
April 26thRockTownRollers vs Charlottesville Derby Dames (home)
MayNo bouts
(this may change)June 20thTenative bout with New River Valley RollerGirls (home)July 12thTenative bout with Mason Dixen Roller Vixens (away in Hagerstown MA)
August 22ndRockTownRollers va Jaded Misfits ROUND 2 (home)
September 27thTenative bout with New River Valley RollerGirls (away in NRV)
We are always trying to fill out our schedule. Keep an eye on the calendar to see what we have lined up. We will have flyers and ads all over the place to let you know when events will happen!
With bouts coming up we are always in need of a few helping hands. We will need people to help with stats, security and a few other things. If you are interested in helping email us at
bouts@rocktownrollers.comAlso, we are trying to work on an email list. If you are intrested in signing up, send a message to
events@rocktownrollers.com and we'll make sure we send you info on up coming derby events.