Rocktown Rollers's Fan Box

Friday, June 4, 2010

Rocktown Rollers vs. Mason Dixon Roller Vixens Bout Recap

Yes, we realize that this happened a couple months ago, but did we mention that we are busy? So here it is...the recap of the Rocktown Rollers bout with Mason Dixon Roller Vixens on April 11th at Funky's Skating Center here in Harrisonburg. Everyone was ready for this, Rocktown's first bout of the season in front of a home town crowd and the two teams delivered the hard hitting derby action that everyone came to see.

The bout started with Xena Whompher and Bite-Size Bruiser on the jammer line and our esteemed mayor, Kai Degner, blowing the first whistle. Xena came out of the gate ready for action with a 11-2 first jam putting Rocktown in the lead. A lead that Rocktown would not give up for the entire bout. Xena Whompher and KILLnitzki traded off jamming in the first half, with a little help from Betty Crasher and Grim Nemisis. Mason Dixon mixed up their ja
mming pool a little giving Bite-Size Brusier, Liz Dexic, ThrashQuatch, Fanny Harmher, and Poison Princess all turns on the line. Janna-cide controlled the pack for Rocktown taking the majority of the pivot action, while Liz Dexic and Fanny Harmher wore the stripe the most for Mason Dixon. Afro-Die-T and Vitamin V also rocked the pivot position for Rocktown. While Bite-Size Bruiser and Poison Princess took a break from jamming to lead the pack as pivots. The score going into the half was Rocktown 87 and Mason Dixon 47.

Mason Dixon started strong in the second half with a 4-0 jam by Bite-Size Bruiser. The hard hits continued into the second half, including some jammer on jammer action between
KILLnitzki and Bite-Size Bruiser. Both teams had amazing hits from blockers including Snakelegs, Bam Bam Brawler, SuperCharger, Blue Steele, Knasty Knitter, and Anayaphylactic Shock, skating in the first bout of her career, for Rocktown and Pink Medusa, India Tango, and Lezzie Lou for Mason Dixon. The bout ended with a spectacular 15-4 grand slam jam by Betty Crasher. The final score was Rocktown 167 and Mason Dixon 84.

Now for the awesomely geeky statistics. There were a total of 38 jams in the bout (19 in each half). Rocktown had the lead jammer 49% of the time and Mason Dixon had lead 38%. KIILnitzki was lead scorer with 73 points, Xena Whompher was second in points with 50, and Bite-Size Bruiser was third with 41 points.

Both team kept the refs and penalty trackers busy with a total of 85 penalties called during the course of the bout. Rocktown had 49 while Mason Dixon only had 36. Liz Dexic lead the Vixens with a total of 11 penalties (all minors). Xena Whompher and Vitamin V had the most penalties for Rocktown. Xena had 8 minor penalties and 1 major, while V sat in the box for 7 minors and 1 major. A special shout-out to the refs that helped keep the skaters safe and the coaches crazy. Representing Rocktown was Bishop, Gunshow, and Glider and from Mason Dixon was Serial Kilter, Hariball, and Hellvis Presley.

The Rocktown Rollers were happy to be able to donate $310 to the Collins Center, a local sexual assault advocacy group, and $105 to the Gus Bus, a local childhood literacy program, from the sale of tickets to this bout.

A huge thanks goes out to all of the fans, friends, and family that attended, as well as to the Mason Dixon Roller Vixens for a wonderful bout.

Don't forget about our next home bout at Funky's Skating Center on July 18th!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bye-bye Derby Girl

Ever wonder why they call them "fond farewells"? I mean, I guess you could fondly remember parting with someone who was totally lame, but Rocktown just lost three of its Rollers (two for the summer and one for the forseen future), and it feels like wiping out after a J-block and breaking your tailbone. Or something.

Enough with the melodrama. This post is a chance to say good-bye to three of our teammates, and to hear their messages to us.


RTR: How long were you skating with Rocktown?
NN: I was with Rocktown for about 8 months, from October 2009 to May 2010.
RTR: What position did you play?
NN: I was a freshie for a long time but when scrimmaging with the team I was a blocker. Most commonly B2 or B3.
RTR: When did you leave?
NN: May 2010
RTR: Where are did you go?
NN: I moved back home to Springfield, VA after graduating from JMU
RTR: Will you join another team or continue to skate?
NN: I will definitely continue to skate!!! There's no quitting ever, after starting derby, your life will never be the same. Ever. Especially starting with Rocktown, I was extremely blessed. I'm starting up with the DC Rollergirls and eventually I'm moving to Hawaii and will join Pacific Roller Derby.
RTR: Got a message for the team/fans?


RTR: How long have you been skating with Rocktown?
AS: I began skating with Rocktown October of last year. Thus far I've skated in three bouts.
RTR: What position do you play?
AS: I don't think I've skated long enough to really know where I belong on the track, but I've flirted with all of the positions, and I have a lot of things to work on to be effective in any of them. I'm really looking forward to figuring it all out.
RTR: When did you leave? Where did you go?
AS: I left the 27th of May. I went to Santa Catalina Island, a small desert island off the coast of Southern California. Avalon, the main city, is one square mile, a real tourist destination. I grew up in this small town, and I'm returning to visit my parents, make a little money, and maybe, just maybe, relax.
RTR: Will you practice with another team or continue to skate?
AS: I will do my best to continue to skate while I'm here, because I'm on an island, and a small one to boot, there is no local derby team. I intend to skate on my own as often as possible, and when I'm on the mainland, attempt to join teams there for a night or two.
RTR: When will you be back?
AS: I will be back to see Rocktown's August 29th bout.
RTR: Got a message for the team/fans?
AS: I've really been floored by the amazing caliber of the people I've found in Derby, and that begins with Rocktown. They are a bunch of amazing women, and I hope they kick some serious butt this summer. I hope the fans keep enjoying this awesome sport and continue to show their support.


RTR: How long have you been skating with Rocktown? What's your Freshie tier?
N: 3 weeks, 2 days, Tier 1
RTR: When are you leaving?
N: 2 days :( (That was on May 27.)
RTR: Will you practice with another team or continue to skate?
N: I will pretend Grim Nemesis is yelling directions at me as I exercise so I can beast out her crunches, push ups, and leg lifts.
RTR: When will you be back?
N: 4 weeks before August Trials... Tier 2 will be mine!
RTR: Got a message for the team?
N: Encourage each other, have a laugh, kick some ass!