It was important for us to be with Kitten's family last Sunday, but what we really need now is to play some derby.
SO, we're hosting an impromptu public scrimmage on Sunday, and we need players. Girls from RVA, Cville and other teams have signed up to play. RTR will split up and mingle with the players from other teams. We also need referees, NSO and spectators.
The bout will start at 4 p.m. Sunday at Funky's Skate Center, 100 Miller Circle, Harrisonburg. The event will be free and open to the public. (If you'd like a refund for last week's bout, bring your ticket. Funds from un-redeemed tickets will go toward a memorial for Kitten Vicious. More on that later.)
Tell your teammates, neighbors, babysitters, mothers-in-law. Get pumped, and we'll see you Sunday!