Recently we had three members of Rocktown go into retirement, Afro, Rosie and Troch. And while this saddens us all, well we're Rocktown. And that means that we had to send them off in style, and what better way to honor their time with the team than to retire their jerseys and tie.
Even better is the fact that both ladies had the old school dresses. Some of you may have never seen them, so here ya go:

And then of course there was Troch, what do you retire when they have no jersey?
Well the infamous tie, straight off his neck of course!
We know that these guys will still be around, you are likely to still see them helping out at bouts, I mean, you never stop bleeding green and orange. But this go round, you can buy them a beer and let them yell from the side with you rather than you drink the beer and yell at them!
So no more number 5 on the track, no more 1920, and no one will be allowed to rock the green and orange and white tie, or orange shirt and green suspenders, or any other style Troch rocked, lol.
*photos courtesy of Robert Lipscomb ( and Rosie's and Afro's facebook