The photo above was taken by Pete Marovich with the DNR, you can see more awesome photos by clicking here!
To re-cap the bout: this was our first ever home bout and our second bout ever since we began this derby team in Feb '08. The wonderful ladies from the Charlottesville Derby Dames joined us in out "Spring Fling".
At 2pm a few of us arrived at Funky's Skate Center to start moving tables and hanging posters, etc. After open skate session ended at 4pm, the excitement began! The track we roped and taped in 20mins, Charlottesville Dames began warming up, RockTown Rollers began finalizing details in the rink. 4:30 the doors opened!
We had 520 people attend our first home bout! And on top of that with the overwhelming support of YOU - our fans- we were able to raise $500+ for Relay for Life! The crowd was excited, the girls were excited! The Rocktown Rollers stepped on to the track with a heavy re-mix of "We Will Rock You" by Scum Of the Earth, it was non stop action from there!
The final score, RockTown Rollers 105 - Charlottesville Derby Dames 88. It was a close and exciting bout!
If you missed this one, do not panic! We will be having an inter-league bout on June 20th. What is that some may ask? An inter-league bout is a mixer of sorts, we will be taking ladies from 3 teams; RockTown Rollers, Charlottesville Derby Dames and the Hill City Derby Dollz and mix them all up on different teams! A fun twist on derby and a lot of excitement!
Stay up to date with our events, such as Derby Night at the Dodger, where you can have a drink and chat with your local Derby girls at the Artful Dodger, visit our website and look at the calender.
Again, thank you to all the fans and to all the folks that help us have an awesome first bout! We could not have done it with out your support!
The above photo was taken by Nathan Combs
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