On February 26th we celebrated our two year derbyversary!
We start back in Feb '08 and we have been growing since!
We are currently 22 skaters strong and we have a full ref and NSO staff that helps us out with all of our derby logistics and rules. We are striving to have even more skaters bout ready, in hopes to have two teams by the end of the year or sooner.

During our Derbyversary we auctioned ourselves off! Some of us brought home-made gifts for the silent auction. We also offered our services for the auction as well!
We auctioned everything from, car washes, pet washes, a custom website, a home-made dinner to landscaping assistance!

In the end we were able to raise $150 for the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank!

Again we would like to thank all of our friends and fans for helping us and supporting us! We are glad to enjoy cake, champagne and another exciting year for roller derby with you all!

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