Five thirty am Crossfit workouts by some, running in the rain and snow for others, not to mention all of the grueling practices that training has concocted for us and we can honestly say "WE ARE READY!" Beast mode is on, game faces are ready and boutfits are coming together. In the mean time, we are living it up and have fun as well.
Rocktown had two groups enter the Bowl for Kids Sake in Harrisonburg today. To say it was fun would be an understatement. It was a blast of epic proportions, including a 5 strike streak by Smashley Wheel'ams!
Revenga D'Nerd is practicing her game face as Team Afro took on Team Evil.
GiggleHertz is ready with her normal happy smile. And even did a cartwheel for us after her strike!

Bam and Smash bowling it up
And celebratory dancing/hugs and screenshot after Smash's five strikes

So from training to playing, exercising to volunteering Rocktown is ready to head to Pennsylvania on the 24th and and show them what being a Roller is all about.
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