Derby Number: 13
How did you choose your name and number:
I had a hard time deciding on a name, it seemed every one I found was taken or was similar to someone elses in the derbyverse. So I was watching cartoons with my son one day and his favorite was He-Man, and Evil-Lyn is his right hand woman, so I took that and made it mine.
Thirteen has always been my favorite and lucky number, plus it normally signifies evil and doom and dread and all that good stuff
When did you join derby:
I began my derby adventure in April of 2011

I have so much more confidence in myself now. I have realized just how strong my body is and that I am emotionally tougher than I thought as well.
Derby has also given me some great friends, both on and off the track. There is nothing like walking through the store and hearing "Hey Evilynn!"
What is your favorite derby memory:
It truly is hard to choose just one. Hmm, proposing to Nitrous was a great day, I earned a fabulous wife that day.
Really, any time I get on the track with these ladies is awesome, whether it is practice or a bout I learn something and have great support.

"Put some skates on and be your own hero" ~ Maggie Mayhem, Whip It - it really is the truth!
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort" ~ Herm Albright
"The place where optimism most flourishes is the lunatic asylum" ~ Havelock Ellis
Any other interesting tidbits:
I'm honestly rather shy, I am a control freak and have more OCD style habits than I care to admit, lol.
I will talk with anyone about derby! Seriously, I think I can turn any conversation into a derby discussion.
Give me sunshine and a good book and you may not see me til dark =)
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